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  • Posted On: 03/18/2009
  • Title: post
  • Name: Yvonne Patterson
  • Location: Kansas City, Missouri
  • Healthy, speaks on cue, sings opera, loving, beautiful, great fruits/veggie eater. She sings a wonderful song with her name and nickname in it (Charlemagne and Charlie). I need to sell her because she has fallen for another macaw (she has a green-wing mate) and the 'other' macaw is becoming angry and aggressive, and this macaw for sale has become aggressive toward her mate. It's a LOVE TRIANGLE. She's a wonderful 5-year old macaw which I've hand raised from a baby. I cannot deal with this confusing negative behavior any longer. It's causing several problems. If you've always wanted a macaw but unsure of one that would be docile, loving and gentle, this bird may be for you.
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