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  • Posted On: 02/10/2022
  • Title: Baby Parrotlet Availble
  • Name: Alexis
  • Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois
  • Baby Pacific Parrotlet (Forpus coelestis) Available! Parrotlets are one of the smallest 'true parrots'. They can be a great starter bird for new bird owners. Don't let their small size fool you, they have giant personalities and they are extremely intelligent. At Parrot Stars we focus on education, nutrition, and conservation. We work very hard to help educate our customers on parrot companionship. Prior to taking a bird home, we will provide information on proper housing, creating a safe environment, diet, behavior, hormones and much more. Every hand fed baby is weaned on to a high variety diet. They are weaned onto fruits and veggies, a soak and sprout mix we make here in store, high variety seed that we also make here in store, and naturally colored pellet. $500
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