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  • Posted On: 02/10/2022
  • Title: Baby Blue Gold Macaw Available
  • Name: Alexis
  • Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois
  • Baby Blue and Gold Macaw (Ara ararauna) Available! They are known for their goofy and playful personalities. A well-socialized B&G can also be very affectionate and loving. Like any large parrot, training is a must. At Parrot Stars we focus on education, nutrition, and conservation. We work very hard to help educate our customers on parrot companionship. Prior to taking a bird home, we will provide information on proper housing, creating a safe environment, diet, behavior, hormones and much more. No question will go unanswered. Every hand fed baby is weaned on to a high variety diet. They are weaned onto fruits and veggies, a soak and sprout mix we make here in store, high variety seed that we also make here in store, and naturally colored pellet. $6,500
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